Posted by: fizzhogg | January 2, 2013

ROLLERS – A look back at 2012

Rollers. Not the ones we fall off of in our homes while watching Season 3 of THE WIRE. I mean the ones outside, out on the roads.

We all know them. Most of us hate them. Or love/hate. Those rides where you have all-too-long climbs followed immediately by all-too-short descents, and then up again… and down again… and up… and… you get the picture.

My 2012 was like 5 miles of rollers. Great, amazing highs, and tremendously low lows. But first, the stats…

This little aid station on the cyberspace century had 6,708 visits in 2012. From 78 countries. The U.S. was first, but the U.K. was a close second. The longest distance someone “traveled” was from New Guinea. Or New Zealand. I’m not sure which is farther away.

Steve led all commenters with 18, while Jeff Bike and Formerslug battled it out for 2nd. I can’t link to Jeff Bike’s blog because I don’t know where it is… so, Jeff, if you’re out there, drop your link in the comments! Thanks to these three and everyone else for taking time to drop a note during the year.

Steve also led in the top referring site — thanks, Steve!

The craziest search term entered that sent someone to this blog was some dude in Alabama who Googled “Giant snake eats person” and somehow ended up here. This led me to think… perhaps in 2013 I will add the occasional odd tag to one of my posts just to see what type of traffic it brings. Be sure and watch for that in the new year!

My post from March — It Never Gets Easier, You Just go Faster — was the most visited post of the year, getting 37 more hits than the next closest (from August) — Down Goes Frazier.

I met some new friends in 2012, including but not limited to — Sam Bangs — a young woman in the land of La who is working out some sh*# just like the rest of us. I love her honesty about her struggles, her humor and her dedication to overcome. Check her out.

I also discovered Aaron over at Steep Climbs. This guy is pure inspiration. Here is a cyclist who loves climbing as much as I do, but he’s actually good at it! His climbs are so epic they should include a Himalayan sherpa. Thanks, Aaron, for making me push myself a little more than I would have.

Now to the rollers. I had some great accomplishments in 2012, and some great failures. To recap…

I rode 2,642.9 miles in 2012. I was hoping for 4,000 early in the year, then dropped that goal to 3,000 over the summer, but an awful October and November did me in, and I barely rode more than I did in 2011.

I climbed 131,101 feet according to Hal 9000. It was a new record for me and I am happy and looking forward to shooting for 150,000 in 2013.

My best month of riding was May where I logged 406 miles. I did a pair of Century rides and four Metric Centuries during the year. I hope to double both those numbers in 2013. Speaking of which…

2013 will mark my triumphant return to the EL TOUR DE TUCSON. Those of you who’ve been around since the beginning will remember that this 109-mile ride each November was my 2010 goal and I achieved it, though my performance left much to be desired. Read about it HERE.

In 2013 I will return to that ride and plan on doing it in under seven and a half hours.

I lost a lot of weight in 2012, but unfortunately gained a large chunk of it back. On January 14th, 2012 I weighed 214.5. Up fifteen pounds from my El Tour weight of just two months prior. I told you all on the 14th that I was on a descent to 180 pounds.

I did not make it. I did not even come close. I had some great weeks throughout the year, but I always fell back into old and nasty habits and thus, on December 31st, 2012, I weighed in at 210.

Four and half pounds lost in one year. And in a year when I got all the way down to 200 at one point.


I could list a myriad of reasons why I yo-yo’d all year, but it really comes down to this…


‘Nuff said.

My 2013 goal is to RIDE. Every chance I get.

I began this cycling odyssey in January of 2010. Over the last two years I have lost over 80 pounds! But I have gained back nearly as much.

When I ride I lose weight. When I don’t ride I gain weight. 

2013. The Year of The Ride.

Thanks again to all of you for hanging around. You inspire me, you make me laugh, you keep me honest, and I feel connected to you all in some weird cyber way.

Here’s to all of us getting fit an STAYING fit in 2013… and beyond!

Eat better.

Ride your bike.

Never give up.



You’re very good, you are, you are


  1. Well, let me begin my title defense of Largest Contributor by congratulating you on a fine 2012 with many very entertaining and inspirational posts. I’m looking forward to El Tour de Tuscon, complete with sand-filled arroyos and maraca bands. Best of luck!

  2. I guess I better get cracking at the comments if I want any chance of dethroning Steve. Thanks for the shout. Maybe one day you can show me some of the climbs in your backyard.

    For what it’s worth, seasons 3 & 4 of The Wire are my favorite.

    Congrats on having a good year, and best of luck on a better 2013.

  3. Oh my I guess I’ll be losing ground on my fellow commenters!

  4. Ok so I started a blog and you can be the first to see it (such as it is)‏

  5. […] the rhythm that worked for me. I wasn’t sure that included returning to this blog. But then fizzhogg posted his little ditty about back sliding and called me about posting more. His post prompted many […]

  6. 2617 miles will take you almost exactly from downtown L.A. to my house.

    That’s pretty damn far.

    Sent from my iPad

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